Thursday 10 September 2015

[ナルコレ] 50回リセマラしてみた結果




リセマラ: 50回
ガチャ: 270回
平均: 5.58回

⭐️3: 163 [58%]
⭐️4: 104 [37%]
⭐️5: 12   [4%]


⭐️4: 43 [86%]
⭐️5: 7   [14%]


★5 大蛇丸[心理を解き明かす者]x2
★5 我愛羅[砂塵の舞風]x1
★5 マイト・ガイ[荒ぶる剛拳]x2
★5 干柿鬼鮫[狂舞の悪漢]x1
★5 春野サクラ[秘めたる才能]x1
★5 はたけカカシ[木ノ葉一の技師]x2
★5 はたけカカシ[修羅の雷撃]x2
★5 うちはサスケ [天賦の才能]x1



皆さんの結果はコメントもしくはtwitter @akatsuk1777で教えてください。



Wednesday 9 September 2015


The official Naruto app game is gradually getting popular in Japan and hit the 3million download milestone.

To celebrate the milestone, the narucole team has prepared loads of presents for us users.
*Receiving presents according to the offical narucole twitter account @narucole_jp

BUT the BIG news today is, narucole is having their first SUPER SUPER NINJA FESTIVAL.

The difference between the normal SUPER NINJA FESTIVAL is, there is going to be a limited character/s just for this event.

Yes, this is like the GOD FES in Puzzle and Dragons  and the limited character/s are......


I have saved 60 or so Ninja stones, so see how I went :)

If you haven't downloaded narucole yet, give it a try !!!



Let me know what you think !!!

*Disclaimer: All images are copyright to their respective owners.

[Dokkan Battle] Guarantee SSR card - Reset Marathon

I have to say, Bandai Namco team is doing a great job with Dokkan Battle.
19th top grossing app on the Japan app store, what's they trick ??

Every user is different I guess what I found from this game is that it's very user friendly.
Yes, its easy to play and understand but, having frequent events, login bonuses, introducing new characters do give incentive for the users to play which I think it's very user friendly.

The game has been out for a while (6 or so months) and one of the events that happening on the Japanese Dokkan Battle is a special Summon (x10) which guarantees you a SSR character.

*Please note, to roll a SSR rarity card in Dokkan Battle, the % is roughly 2-5%.

You will need 50 stones for this summon but, as I said, GUARANTEES you the most rarest character which is great to start a new game.

The event is vaild until the end of October and if you are thinking of playing, this is a great time.

In one of my other blogs, I talked about RISEMARA and I had a crack at it with Dokkan Battle.

Are you playing the Japanese Dokkan Battle?
If you are, let me know how you went int he guarantee summon.

Saturday 29 August 2015

[HOW TO] Score the strongest card/character without spending money [Narucole]

In the Japanese social game community, the word "RISEMARA" リセマラis a common phrase.
What is RISEMARA ??

RESET MARATHON aka RISE-MARA is the key to minimise pay to play and enjoy the game for a longer period.
What is a reset marathon ? 
I'll try and explain.

Most of the social games that I've played have characters (cards) and to get them, you need special stones to summon them.  

Of course, with daily login you will earn these stones and play the game comfortably and most importantly FREE BUT ・・・・

Yes, there are weak and strong characters (rarity) and the probability of getting these high rarity character is near impossible if you don't summon (roll) enough times.
*Of course you could be lucky on your few attempts.

This is where RISEMARA comes in.

Pretty much what it means is, 
you download the app➡do the tutorial➡clear a few levels and earn some stones➡character roll.
*average 2-3 roll after completing the tutorial.

♡Narucole's tutorial♡

Most people (people who are new to the social game) continue playing the game after their first couple of rolls, but with an average Japanese gamers.
RISEMARA starts.

If the gamer did not roll the "strong" character, they DELETE the app (Resets it) and start doing the same procedure as above. 

Where did the word marathon come from?
Well...... it really depends on your luck but some people do this procedure more than 100 times which I guess you'll need the energy like a marathon lol.

If you have the time (it takes average 15-20 per RISEMARA) and want to minimise pay to play,
RISEMARA is for you.

I am currently RISEMARAing with Narucole and hoping to score Minato which is the strongest character currently.

Will update once my MISSION is complete lol.

Friday 28 August 2015

[Narucole] NEW!! Taisho Roman (Romantic) Roll Limited character

Still fairly new to Narucole but with any social games,
I get excited with "limited characters"

There are four limited Taisho Roman characters and they are

Sakura ★5

Ino ★4

Ten Ten ★4

and Sasuke ★4

For the diehard fans, you probably cant hold yourself and have a go and test your luck.

I had a go at 10 rolls!!

and I had another go lol.

Official Naruto app game, Naruto Shinobi Collection aka Narucole

I came across Naruto back in 2003. Watched couple of the anime and I was hooked.
Well, finally an official Naruto app game is available thanks to Gree.

"Naruto Shinobi Collection" aka Narucole is the title and it's FUN!!!
It's pretty much a RUN & BATTLE and using your favourite characters and clearing the mission is just awesome.

You can download it from the below url.

Let me know what you think of the game :)